Authoring is Lonely Work. Meet The Society that Just Might Fix That Meet WWO and it’s CEO, Jen Snyder

Meet The Society of Women Working Online and it’s CEO, Jen Snyder

Lonely? Authoring can be lonely work. We work with others, sure, editors and cover designers, perhaps another author with whom we collaborate occasionally. But be honest, most of the time we are alone.

It doesn’t necessarily follow that we are lonely, but if you are like me at all, you do come up for air sometimes and wish to be part of something bigger. For me, that something is a miracle that I stumbled upon called the Society of Women Winning Online. This is a group of women dedicated to helping each other succeed. Most, but not all, are moms who are dealing with more action than a juggling octopus. And unlike the usual group that makes everyone feel a little insecure by sharing only their successes, this is group that looks to each other when they need advice, when they need support, when they need to vent. They are a community of women who are real and who are there for you.

The Society has been exceedingly helpful to me, from challenges to help me get things done, to weekly calls that make me laugh, to an accountability  partner halfway across the country who is now a true friend to technical skills training – one on one!

Meet Jen Snyder


Women Winning Online


The genius and tour de force behind the Society is Jen Snyder and today I have brought you an interview with her that I know you will love.

1/ Tell us a little about yourself personally and about WWO.

My name is Jen and I am a Christ follower, wife to one great guy, and mom to 3 crazy, sweet, fun kids. I am a mindset coach and online business strategist. Women Winning Online is a place where women come to learn how to start, grow, and profit in their online businesses.

2/ How and why did you start WWO and the Society?

I started Women Winning Online to bring a woman’s voice to online business. In the online business space there are a lot of men teaching, mentoring, and coaching. They are great, but we women need to see ourselves represented in the people we are learning from. This is especially true for those of us that are mothers. Once we become moms our time is no longer our own. We want something that is ours, seperate from our husbands and kids, that allows us the freedom of working from home. We want to learn from women that have been there and done that. So for those two reasons, I created Women Winning Online.

The Society was created for one sole purpose: community. Working in the online business space can be quite lonely. I wanted to create a community of women that help each other, learn from each other, and do life together while growing their online businesses.

society of women winning online3/ How have the evolved and was that what you expected? If not, how did you adapt?

WWO has evolved from only a blogging community into a full blown online business group for women. I was really surprised at how vulnerable women became in the group, not just about business, but about their lives too. It has been amazing to witness that.

4/ How do you manage your time? Do you have any special tips, tools or tricks you use?

I always say “not well!” Truthfully I am at the mercy of my kids’ schedule. I have learned that I must, must, must get up early if I want to get productive work done during the day. I do my best to get up at 4:24 every morning so I can do my devotional and get in a couple hours of work before my kids get up. Then I get a couple of hours during school time and maybe an hour or so in the afternoon.

A few of my tips are:

1.The Pomodoro method:

When I really need to get work done, I do the Pomodoro method. I work hard and focus for 25 straight minutes. Then I take a 5 minute break to let my brain rest. The key here is to get off the computer for those 5 minutes. I will either pray or take a quick stroll around the house or meditate.

2. Don’t work while kids need you.

I have learned over the years to not work on anything serious when my kids are home or awake. Inevitably they want my attention and deserve it. If I am trying to work on something and they interrupt me (which they do, they are kids) I will get frustrated which is not fair to them. If I am working when they are around, I do light tasks that allow for interruptions.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”I have learned over the years to not work on anything serious when my kids are home or awake. Inevitably they want my attention and deserve it. Learn more about how women are working online. #womenworking ” quote=”I have learned over the years to not work on anything serious when my kids are home or awake. Inevitably they want my attention and deserve “]

3. Get Creative with your time

As women and mothers we have to get creative with our time! There is always someone that is pulling at us to do something. Look for bonus ways to get work in whether it’s taking an entire Saturday away from the family, a weekend retreat all by yourself, or even using time at the gym to get work done. I have done all of the above and it’s made a huge difference!

4. Batch your work

Batching my work is so important! Batching means I am working on one single task until it’s done. For example, I will write all my emails for the month in one sitting. Or write all my content for Instagram for the month in one sitting. Our minds work better if we focus on one task, get it done, and then move on. Plus it feels great to get all that content done at once!

5/ What is your support system and how do you use it?

My support system includes my husband, my local friends, and my amazing VA, LeAnn. My husband is supportive in taking time off when I need to get a project done or listening to me vent about frustrations within my business.

My local friends are always willing to help me run my kids around or get me away from my computer when I need a break. So important!

And my VA, wow could I not do this without her. LeAnn has become my right hand man and is an extension of me. She gets so many things done and has become a confidant for me within my business. It’s been a wonderful relationship for me and I am lucky to have found her!

6/ What has been your biggest real challenge and your biggest mindset challenge?

My biggest challenge has been growing my business while still making sure I am being a good mom to my kids. It’s a constant struggle that has yet to go away and I doubt it will.

My biggest mindset challenge has been not feeling good enough at what I do and that there are others far better than me. It’s hard!

7/ Have you ever wanted to just quit? What stopped you?

Yup all the time and twice on Tuesdays 😉 At first the thing that stopped me the most was the threat of getting a “real job.” You know the kind with the 9-5 hours and the cubicle and the commute and all that. No way could I go back to that.

Now it’s a greater purpose. I feel as though God has a greater purpose for my life in serving others that doesn’t involve the daily 9-5 grind.

8/ What is your proudest moment?

In business? My proudest moments have been either the praise from the women about The Society because they realize how much of an impact working together has on their business or their lives. I also feel blown away and so proud when I see my clients facing down their negative feelings, pushing through, and acheiving their goals.

9/ Anything else you would like to share?

Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. Believe that God put that dream in your heart for a reason and go after it with reckless abandon. Everything you want is on the other side of fear– go get it and don’t stop until you make it happen!

10/ Here is one more opportunity to share.

I would love for you to connect with my on Instagram! I am all about building community over there and giving you encouraging words to keep going! You can find me at

Check out Women Winning Online at

Jen provides a wealth of information to help women make a living online, from finding your people, to sales and business advice to a comprehensive resource list and so much more.

Gem of the Week

Obviously, my gem this week is the Society of Women Winning Online. If you believe you would benefit from the skills and support this special group of women share until Jen’s direction, now is the time to join. Enrollment is limited. If you would like the community, the tech and business assistance, challenges, weekly calls, hot seat analytics and so much more, check out The Society.

If you would like to learn more about joining the Society, learn more here Enrollment is limited. Please let Jen know you learned about her from this post, so she will come back and do more interviews with me.

Trust me, this is a woman with humility and smarts, so she helps without ever intimidating. What could be better than that? Oh yeah, a whole community of women who strive to do the same.


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