Tender Misdemeanors, a Romantic Suspense from Alana Lorens

Please help us give Alana Lorens a warm welcome back to the blog this week. Alana is here to share her upcoming romantic Suspense, Tender Misdemeanors with us. Welcome, Alana! We are all excited to hear more about Tender Misdemeanors.


Alana Lorens here, with an announcement of my new release, TENDER MISDEMEANORS, coming out on March 18! This story is set in one of my favorite places in America, northwestern Montana, around Kalispell and Glacier National Park. The mountains are beautiful, and I can certainly understand why our hero Levi Bradshaw and his companions are out working to save the old forests from being harvested by loggers!

But this isn’t a story of love between a man and his trees. In fact, Levi is breaking the law and comes up against Bureau of Land Management officer Caryn Orlane. Now she’s worth falling in love with—although she’d probably disagree with you. So would her pet iguana, Niabi. Since this is romantic suspense, you can bet on a thriller-level race against time to keep Levi’s companions from their violent intentions to strike out against the government and its officers.

As my critique group would tell you, I love to put my characters in danger—sometimes mortal danger—and I’m not afraid to stress them to the max. Most of them have eventually recovered.  Most of them. 🙂

About Tender Misdemeanors:

Caryn Orlane has law enforcement in her blood; her father was a cop, and his father, too. She’s a federal agent in northwest Montana, protecting the old forests and keeping the peace.

Levi Bradshaw also believes in protecting the forests, but has a very different MO. He’s the leader of a group of eco-warriors, determined to save the trees of the Bitterroot by legal—and illegal—means.

When they meet in the woods at gunpoint, their encounter ignites a spark of interest, despite operating on opposite sides of the law. When their worlds turn on them, they only grow closer. If they don’t work together, can either survive?

Tender Misdemeanors Buy Links:

An excerpt from Tender Misdemeanors:

(This takes place when Levi is hospitalized after an accident caused by his ecotage group)

The attempt to get dressed was a slow business as he adjusted to the aches and pains the accident had inflicted. At one point he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, one eyebrow half seared off, his hair rumpled and wild, the scars on his cheek like that of a demented pirate. How could anyone even look at him?

You said come. I came.

Caryn’s words buoyed him up. She’d accepted him for who he was. He’d get through this. They would get through this.

But once he tried to pull up the burnt and shredded pants, it was apparent he couldn’t leave in these. One strong breath and they’d disintegrate. He stuck his head out the door. “I need clothes,” he said. “These aren’t going anywhere.”

Caryn frowned. “Do I look like a magician?”

Embarrassed enough, and annoyed that his brave attempt to get out of here was falling apart on the details, he snapped, “Haven’t you ever seen a movie? There’s always a closet of scrubs handy.”

“You want me to steal hospital scrubs?” Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She nearly spilled her coffee.

“Like you said, I’m sure they’ll include them in the bill. I’m not leaving this building naked.”

He closed the bathroom door, waiting. How about it? Was Caryn too much a cop to break the rules for him? As the seconds ticked by, he thought perhaps she was. More waiting. Damn. He’d misjudged her.

The door opened suddenly, and a set of turquoise scrubs came flying in at him. The door closed. No comment.

A smile creeping onto his face, he shucked the hospital gown, leaving it on the floor. He chuckled and pulled on the loose-fitting scrubs, which were much more comfortable and certainly more substantial.


Alana Lorens has been a published writer for more than forty years. Currently a resident of Asheville, North Carolina, she loves her time in the smoky Blue Ridge mountains. One of her novellas, THAT GIRL’S THE ONE I LOVE, is set in the city of Asheville during the old Bele Chere festival. She lives with her daughter, who is the youngest of her seven children, two crotchety old cats, and five kittens of various ages.

Alana Lorens’s Social Media:



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